The U.S. Ambassador to Namibia, Her Excellency Lisa Johnson,visited Onayena Health Center in Onandjokwe District, Oshikoto region (Onayenaconstituency) on the 20th March 2018 to familiarize herself withCommunity Based HIV Treatment Services (CBHTS) programme.
The key purpose of her
visit was to learn about USAID/Namibia’s support to the health facility by
visiting and engaging with health care workers, community health workers,
support group and understand the challenges in delivering HIV services at the facility.
With the assistance of USAID Namibia, Tonata PLHIV Network has been advocating for the Ministry of
Health to decentralize Antiretroviral (ARV)
through support groups as stipulated in the National HIV Treatment Guideline
(differentiated care model).
Try Again Support Group is amongst the Tonata’s support
groups that have started with community-based
refill – two members collecting medicines (from the health facility) on behalf of the entire group. This intervention removed the challenges of transportation
cost (to and from the hospital),
patients’ congestion at the health facility and improved adherence.
Her Excellency Lisa met the members of TRY AGAIN support
groups to hear their experience with the Community Based Treatment. The Chairperson, Selma Iimbili excitedly said
“Some of the members faced challenges to
refill due to lack of transportation fare, while the majority were discouraged by the long hours we used to stay at the
hospital. We are happy now, everyone is adhering to his/her treatment because
we refill under our tree, no more walking long distances”.
This support group was
established in 2010 with only 8 members. With the introduction of the Community
Based Antiretroviral Treatment (CBART) the membership has since increased to 18
members with only two male members. Only 10 members out of 18 in the support groups
on treatment. At the moment, only adults refilling at the level of support groups. The management of TRY AGAIN
support group urged the Ministry of Health to also work towards creating
opportunities for the children (those not on adjusted weight) to start
refilling with their guardians and parents at the support group.
“It does not help, me, as a mother, to receive my medicine at
our group because I still need money to take my child to the health facility
for refilling,” Said, one member
The U.S Ambassador assured the support group that the government
of United States will continue to support
community-based HIV Treatment to expand HIV
prevention, care, and treatment services
to areas of high HIV burden designated as PEPFAR priority regions and hotspot
sites in order to achieve HIV epidemic control in Namibia.
Tonata People Living with HIV Network announces
that thirty two (32) support groups are refilling under Onandjokwe District
“As people in support groups, we should strategize to reach more men. It
should be our priority to work with men. We should map out how to reach them” H.E Lisa
Medical Officer, at Onandjokwe District,
Dr.Saad, provided a brief explanation of general HIV/AIDS
services and challenges in providing the service in the facility. While Nurse in Charge
at Onayena Health Centre appreciated the member of TRY AGAIN Support group for
being united and adhering well.
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